Prepay billing platform migration reconciliation solution built in 2 weeks.

The requirement.
VIVA Bahrain (now Saudi Telecom) were in the process of migrating their prepay Service Control Platform (SCP) to a new Huawei Central Payment System (CPS). However, about five weeks before the start of the planned migration period, their management team realised that they had no method in place to independently verify that the migration was correct and that their existing revenue assurance provider was unable to put a solution in place within the time available.
Key Highlights.
Final verification process completed in 20 minutes.
Complete solution delivered in 2 weeks.
Speed was of the essence.
Based on previous demonstrations of the speed with which PhixFlow could put analysis models in place, PhixFlow was contacted as a matter of urgency to provide their revenue assurance team with a migration verification process. Not only was there an urgent need for the solution availability but VIVA Bahrain also needed a partner that could respond immediately and provide their team with the confidence that they could proceed with their project as planned and avoid costly delays.
During the live migration, VIVA planned to suspend charging on their prepay network. Because of this an essential requirement placed on PhixFlow was to ensure that all details of the approximately 1 million subscribers could be reconciled within just 30 minutes after the Huawei migration was complete and that reports should be delivered which would enable VIVA to make a go/no-go decision with confidence.

The solution.
A hosted version of PhixFlow was setup allowing the users to upload subscriber data exported from their legacy SCP (in binary format) and subscriber data exported from their new Huawei CPS (JSON format). Using PhixFlow’s standard modelling functionality file collectors were configured to read data in from each data source and construct information on:
- Subscriber
- Subscriber Status
- Account Balances
- Services
- Call Groups
The model was then extended to reconcile the two sets of data and a dashboard produced providing a summary of the total numbers of subscribers processed and a summary of migration success/error statuses. The dashboard, available remotely over the web, also gave the users the ability to drill down into the problem cases and to examine full details of selected subscribers in old and new systems “side-by-side” to gain confidence in the process through spot-checking.

The PhixFlow Model.

The results.
A member of the PhixFlow consultancy team was assigned to start the project analysis within a day of the initial request. Within just two weeks the consultant was able to complete an installation on the client’s server, configure the data collectors and analysis models and create management dashboards with drill down to individual subscriber data to verify the migration process.
Several dry runs of the migration then took place over a period of three weeks. During this time the reconciliation was used to validate and help correct the Huawei migration process. Minor changes were also made to fully automate the PhixFlow run so that reconciliations started as soon as VIVA users had finished uploading the files from the multiple SCP and CPS nodes.
At the end of each run, PhixFlow was configured to send the revenue assurance group an email notification together with a formatted spreadsheet summarising the result of the reconciliation as well as having access to drill down reports via the application dashboards. This allowed the team to examine the output produced, provide corrections and further business rules which were then implemented to refine the results.
The final end-to-end run was completed within the 20-minute slot allocated for the verification with 10 minutes spare to allow the revenue assurance team to review the reports and formally give the green light to go live on Huawei. This ensured that a successful migration was delivered with the confidence provided by a rapid check that ensured that all the source subscriber data was successfully imported into the new platform.