Speed up new application Development
How to rapidly develop and deploy new applications to meet with you organisation’s digital transformation strategies using Low-Code.
For many years, digital transformation has been on many businesses’ agenda, but the speed at which manual business processes have been digitised has been relatively slow. In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, many businesses have identified that they need to re-visit their transformation plans and accelerate the use of new technologies, solutions and applications.
In this article we will look at the challenges that businesses face and how to rapidly develop and deploy new applications to meet with their organisation’s digital transformation strategy timescales.
What are the barriers in deploying new applications?
The most common objection to developing and implementing new applications is the cost. Designing and implementing new software solutions is perceived as expensive, especially when they are bespoke to your organisation.
Traditional software development methods are expensive, resource intensive and require complex coding skills that many businesses will not have internally. This results in the development being outsourced, putting up costs and extending deadlines.
An alternative, to developing applications custom to your business, is to buy off-the-shelf software. However, these can be expensive and may not fully meet with requirements, resulting in additional work to change business processes, to fit around the software.
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Another factor that stops businesses in their tracks is time. “We don’t have the time to assess or develop new software,” is something that will often be heard by sales teams approaching businesses with new software solutions.
However, a factor that is overlooked is the amount of time that can be saved through the adoption of new technology and the automation of manual processes. By implementing automation within digital transformation strategies businesses will save time and, ultimately, become more efficient.
Many SME’s, and sometimes large organisations, feel that they lack the internal skills to develop and manage new digital transformation initiatives. In fact, Gartner has predicted that demand for app development will grow at least five times faster that IT capacity can deliver. Therefore, rather than leave applications in a backlog, businesses should consider the benefits that Low-Code Application Platforms can deliver.
How Low-Code applications remove these barriers
The emergence of Low-Code application development platforms, such as PhixFlow, enable faster development of applications through drag and drop interfaces and pre-built data connectors.
Bespoke does not always mean expensive!
To ensure that a new app is right for your business it will inevitably need to have some degree of customisation that will be unique to your needs. Low-Code application development platforms make this possible and at a fraction of the cost. These platforms have been designed to make it easy to create bespoke applications that can be amended and changed as your business evolves, reducing the need for large teams of developers; thus, reducing overheads.
Agile development
So, how can business speed up development times? Low-Code applications actively speed up development and deployment of applications, as many of the functions and data connectors required are already coded, and can be used in multiple projects, without the need to re-write complex code.
Low-code development reduces complexity through a visual approach, rather than a coding approach, speeding up the development process.
Traditional coding approaches to development require a deep understanding of various programming languages, detailed planning and large amounts of testing. To achieve this an organisation would need large development teams, or a large budget, to outsource to specialist companies. Low-code allows ‘citizen developers’ to create workflows and make changes to applications without specialist coding knowledge. All of which means that more can be done with less.
As organisations continue to invest in their digital transformation strategies, what has become clear is the role that Low-Code development can have in speeding up the deployment of new applications at a fraction of the cost of more traditional off-the-shelf, or bespoke hand-coded software.
It also enables more of the organisation to be involved in the creation of new solutions that fix, or improve, manual processes, reducing the burden on overstretched IT departments.
Many businesses have already started their journey into Low-Code with amazing results, achieving a return on investment faster than ever before.
For more information on how Low-Code can speed up your development cycles book your Free PhixFlow demo.